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Acupuncture Treatment: Services


Acupuncture is part of the ancient practice of Traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe the human body has more than 2,000 acupuncture points connected by pathways or meridians.


Pathways create an energy flow "Qi" (pronounced "chee") throughout the body responsible for overall health. Disruption of the energy flow can cause disease. By applying acupuncture to certain points, it is thought to improve the flow of Qi, thereby improving health. Acupuncture points stimulate the central nervous system releasing chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. Triggering biochemical changes that stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.


Acupuncture is effective for a variety of conditions.

Benefits of Acupuncture:

Digestive: Gastritis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Hepatitis & Haemorrhoids, 

Emotional: Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Nervousness,



Musculoskeletal: Arthritis, Back pain, Muscle cramping, Muscle pain and weakness, Neck pain, Sciatica.

Neurological: Headaches, Migraines, Neurogenic bladder dysfunction, Postoperative pain, Stroke

Respiratory: Allergic rhinitis, Sinusitis, Bronchitis


Our integrate approach to alternative medicine includes homoeopathy, herbal, acupuncture and nutrition helps achieve complete healthcare. Request an appointment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):


Is Acupuncture Safe?

In the hands of a licensed practitioner acupuncture is a very safe, pain-free, effective, treatment for many acute and chronic conditions that has been used for thousands of years.


Is Acupuncture Painful?

Acupuncture treatments are not painful. Acupuncture is performed with hair-thin needles that do not resemble the pain felt from a hypodermic needle. Patients often fall asleep and are in deep relaxation on the table.


Are there any side effects?

One of the great advantages of acupuncture is that it is very safe. Other than an occasional bruise, there are no side effects.


How does Acupuncture work?

Sixteenth century Chinese doctors believed that illness was due to an imbalance of energy in the body. In acupuncture, disposable, stainless steel needles are used to stimulate the body's 14 major meridians, or energy-carrying channels, to resist or overcome illnesses by correcting these imbalances.

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